Invoice consultation

Invoices are documents that show revenue from each enterprise’s business activities. When any transaction arises, the enterprise must show the total quantity and value of that transaction in the invoice. For businesses today, the invoice used is the value-added invoice.

Value-added invoice is an invoice applied to organizations that declare and calculate value-added tax according to the deduction method in business activities, buying and selling domestic goods and services. The invoice clearly states the information of the buying unit and the selling unit, showing the added value of the buying and selling activity, so it is called added value. Normally, value-added invoices are used by many people with the name Red Invoice simply because the second copy of the value-added invoice delivered to the buyer is usually red or pink.

To issue value-added invoices, businesses must calculate tax using the deduction method and must register this method with the directly managing tax authority.

Issues supported in the invoice consulting service:

Currently, businesses must register to use tax calculation methods from the moment they are established. There are two methods: the deduction method and the direct method. Normally, most businesses use the deduction method. The direct method is usually reserved for individuals and business households that pay flat taxes according to regulations.

Register to use self-printed invoices and order printing

After registering to calculate tax using the deduction method, businesses will continue to submit registration documents to use self-printed or ordered invoices. For newly established businesses, only printed invoices can be used. The results will be sent back by the tax authority after checking the legality of the business.

Value-added invoices are generally regulated by the Ministry of Finance regarding forms and information shown on invoices, so printers must be licensed to have the function of printing invoices. Our invoice consulting service will assist your business in registering with a licensed printer at the lowest cost.

Before using value-added invoices, businesses must notify the directly managing tax authority of the issuance. The number of invoices issued depends on many different factors, depending on the operating situation of each business. It is necessary to register for each issuance in accordance with regulations.

An invoice is a type of document that is specifically and accurately specified with the information written on it. On the other hand, when using invoices, businesses need to comply with some basic rules about the order and time of generation so that they comply with regulations and are suitable for business activities.

In addition to concerns about the output value-added invoices that businesses issue, businesses also need to pay attention to the input value-added invoices. Must ensure that these input value-added invoices are legal to serve as a basis for balancing the amount of value-added tax arising in the period.

If you need consulting support about your invoice, please contact us immediately.

If you need advice about invoices, don’t hesitate to contact us immediately. We always listen and answer all business questions.

Minh Khai Accounting
231 Le Thanh Ton, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City
Email: [email protected].

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