Investment license change service

Are you a business owner and want to expand your business, change industries, change investment capital, or transfer investment capital? However, carrying out legal procedures to change investment licenses can be difficult and troublesome. So how can you do this smoothly and quickly? That’s when the investment license change service comes to help you solve these problems.

Introduction to investment license change service

Regulations on investment licenses in Vietnam

According to the provisions of the Investment Law, an investment license is one of the most important documents for businesses operating in the field of business. However, due to the need to change business activities, businesses may need to change their investment license.

Reasons and benefits of changing investment license

Changing the investment license can be due to many reasons, such as expanding business activities, changing business lines, changing investment capital, or transferring investment capital. Changing investment licenses will help businesses adapt to the market and seize new business opportunities. At the same time, changing investment licenses also helps businesses optimize operating processes and structures, improving business efficiency.

Process of changing investment license

Conditions and procedures for changing investment licenses

Changing the investment license requires businesses to comply with legal regulations. The process of changing an investment license includes steps such as applying for a changed license, submitting documents and related documents, and waiting for approval from authorities.

Steps to take to change investment license

To carry out procedures to change investment licenses, businesses need to prepare relevant documents such as contracts, decisions of management agencies, business operating licenses, and other related documents. Then, the business will submit the application and these documents to the authorities for approval.

Support service for changing investment licenses

Consulting on processes and procedures for changing investment licenses

The investment license change service provides detailed advice on the process and procedures for changing investment licenses. The consultant will answer all of the business’s questions and help the business understand the regulations and legal requirements.

Support in preparing documents and submitting applications to change investment licenses

The investment license change service also supports businesses in preparing documents and submitting applications to change investment licenses according to the provisions of the law. The consultant will guide businesses to collect, prepare, and organize the necessary documents to ensure the change process goes smoothly.


Above is some information about the investment license change service and the benefits of using this service. If you need to change the investment license for your business, consider using the investment license change service to save time and effort. Don’t hesitate to contact consultants for detailed advice and support on the procedures and processes for changing investment licenses.

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