Accounting book re-doing service

Remaking accounting books means determining arising accounts, accounting calculations, recording documents according to accounting standards, preparing financial reports, and printing accounting books. To make accurate and effective accounting books, businesses need

Accurate and specific documents

Reporting and payment processing times depend on the business’s documents.


Professional work plan

Implementing detailed planning will help accountants perform work effectively and avoid errors during the work process.


Good and experienced personnel

We are proud to have more than 7 years of experience in tax accounting consulting with a team of dedicated and experienced staff.

Professional and experienced staff.

Professional accounting system with maximum software support.

Responsible and accountable to tax authorities and local authorities.

We are committed to bringing the best value to your business within the framework of the Vietnamese legal system.

For the best accounting book re-doing service, we constantly pay attention to small details: accounting documents, bank supplementary books, payroll spreadsheets, etc. That will help your business complete improved records and more specific procedures in subsequent accounting periods.

And we will never take our eyes off the big picture of your business. The experienced accounting team will sketch out a picture of the current situation and the most suitable accounting solution for the business. Besides, we will advise on management accounting systems to improve the competitiveness of businesses.

Our service and customer care policies will create a difference in service style and professionalism at work. Bring your business the most reliability and resource savings possible.

Employees communicate openly and honestly

Ready to serve on-site at the business

Fast support time

Contact us Minh Khai Accounting

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